Every so often I get an e-mail from my Congressman Charlie Wilson of Ohio's 6th Congressional District. He usually gives a brief synopsis of a few statistics and then outlines what a good boy he has been in working for the constituents of our district.
I haven't patted Chuck on the head yet but I have written to him and did get a response that he disagreed with me. It took several months to get that response - former 6th District Congressman Wayne L. Hayes would have responded in SEVEN DAYS.
What did the Chuckster disagree with? My suggestion that, instead of bailing out the Big 3 automakers, issue to all Americans in need of a vehicle a voucher for $20,000 for the purchase of a new or late model used vehicle. This in turn would move inventory presently on the lots plus the vehicles would need maintenance and parts which would support those manufacturers and suppliers. Now wouldn't this have cost less than the billions of dollars given?
Anyhoo, in the latest e-newsletter from Chuckles and he points out that "The Recovery Act" provides a $250 payment to Social Security recipients (he noted exclusively seniors).
Well, I receive a monthly SSDI payment and found that the U.S. Treasury has deposited my $250 Economic Recovery Payment. But there are TWO POINTS that Charlie neglected to mention...

I haven't patted Chuck on the head yet but I have written to him and did get a response that he disagreed with me. It took several months to get that response - former 6th District Congressman Wayne L. Hayes would have responded in SEVEN DAYS.
What did the Chuckster disagree with? My suggestion that, instead of bailing out the Big 3 automakers, issue to all Americans in need of a vehicle a voucher for $20,000 for the purchase of a new or late model used vehicle. This in turn would move inventory presently on the lots plus the vehicles would need maintenance and parts which would support those manufacturers and suppliers. Now wouldn't this have cost less than the billions of dollars given?
Anyhoo, in the latest e-newsletter from Chuckles and he points out that "The Recovery Act" provides a $250 payment to Social Security recipients (he noted exclusively seniors).
Well, I receive a monthly SSDI payment and found that the U.S. Treasury has deposited my $250 Economic Recovery Payment. But there are TWO POINTS that Charlie neglected to mention...
- The $250 is a one time only payment; not a monthly cost of living raise.
- There will be NO COST OF LIVING RAISE in 2010 and 2011 - (mine was $65 per month).

Also, please notice that I do not have a link to Charlie Wilson in the column to the right.
My have provided a link to my former congressman of 10 years from Ohio's 10th Congressional District.
His name is Dennis Kucinich.
My have provided a link to my former congressman of 10 years from Ohio's 10th Congressional District.
His name is Dennis Kucinich.

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