Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and so on.....

If you remember the Faberge shampoo commercials from the 1970's, you probably remember this slogan from an ad campaign that they used for many years.

If you are anything like me, I'm sure you recommend products and services to your friends and even strangers. And I bet you even tell people about your bad experiences too.

Years ago, I got involved with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I was living in Michigan at the time and didn't know anyone other than my coworkers and a few associates there that had previously worked with me in Medina, Ohio.

The opportunity (yes, being a beauty consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics is an awesome home business opportunity) was offered to me and through it I made many friends; consultants and customers alike.

Anyway, I learned a lot of skills during the weekly Monday night meetings especially about goal setting and building a customer base.

One interesting fact presented at meeting was that, on average, each and every person knows 250 people. I thought that this figure was staggering but the director who presented this fact said that that figure pertains to the number of people we associate with in any given day, week or month and she was quick to point out who was on that list.

The people on that list includes, but is not limited to, the following: the cashier at the grocery store, hair stylist, bank teller, pharmacist, mail carrier, bartender, favorite server at a restaurant, co-workers, parents of children's friends, our friends, our classmates, the people who help us at our favorite clothing store and so on. Some of the people on this list helped me build my customer base and they told people.....

The advertising agency that created this advertising campaign for Faberge obviously was privy to this fact too.

The Homeless Task Force in Atlanta has produced a video with the Faberge 'and they'll tell two friends' ad campaign in mind.

Please WATCH and think about how you can organize the 250 people you know plus the 250 people that your friends know, and the 250 friends they know and so on to help any non-profit service organization in your community that needs donations.

This would also work for a clothing or food drive as well.

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