Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Photo: Take time to enjoy...a sunset on a cold winter evening!

Sunset over frozen Lake Erie - Cleveland, Ohio Photo by Cindy Miller - 2008


  1. This is absolutely incredible! You are one very talented woman! I admire your eye for the photographs!

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment.

    Naturally, I had to find out who YOU are.

    I feel just like Dorothy Gale. I didn't have to look any farther than my (own next door neighbor's) yard.

    WOW...are you talented!!!!

    I cleaned up my desk and it stayed clean for at minute (or 30). I should have taken a picture.

    And speaking of pictures...can you show me some tricks like you have on your blogs?

    Stay tuned; lots more to write about.

  3. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites
