Mark Miller's story about my YouTube channel..."The Herald Star" hit the stands Saturday afternoon making me an instant celebrity in this town (or at the very least, a reconstituted celebrity) - I was gone for 30 years so I have to reclaim my previous stature in my hometown. Toronto goes YouTube with a photo of me spanning 3 columns was plastered on the front page of the newspaper - in color no less.
As I was returning to Special Way to buy more copies of the newspaper, I ran into my new buddy Fred leaving the store. I told him I was going to buy more papers because of the story so he said he wanted a copy too. We walked in together and as he was paying for his newspaper, he said to the cashier, "There's a story about her in today's paper".
Without missing a beat she pulled out a pen and said, "Since she's (me) here, maybe you'd want to get her autograph".
Ignore the date above - I started and saved this post on Sunday...
So Monday afternoon I stopped in at Tucker's Tavern for Pepsi and to talk to Scott about when we are going to do his vid thing for TEETOWNVISION. So I asked him if he saw the article on the front page of Saturday's paper.
"Cindy, EVERYBODY saw that article; EVERYBODY'S talking about that article! EVERYBODY I talked to today asked me if I saw THAT ARTICLE! Yes, I SAW THE ARTICLE!"
"I have over 300 viewers, 4 subscribers and an invitation to the Chamber Luncheon on Thursday, Scott."
Then Scott showed me his new website. Check it out and the next time you are in town make it a point to stop in for a steak dinner that is unsurpassed. The only time the in-laws come down from Youngstown to visit is when they are hungry for steak. They have been down three times in the past four months.
By the way, the article will appear again in Friday's "Toronto Scene".
When, I actually posted, the view count was 557.
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