...if you're asleep, is there still that sucking noise?
My sleep has been totally screwed up my entire life. That's why I chose to work midnight shift - I had great difficulty functioning at a day job.
I struggled to sleep at night; fell asleep a lot in class in high school (although I was never caught). I can no longer enjoy going to a movie theater because I fall asleep, staying awake at meetings, lectures, etc. is virtually impossible. Baseball games? I'm walking around at the top of the innings; watching the game in my paid seating at the bottom of the inning when the Indians come to bat.
I fell asleep at work a lot at my last job; standing, while cutting film with X-acto knife or razor blade in hand. Happened after they had moved me to day shift. That's when the 'fit hit the shan'!
I suffer from short term memory loss. I remember a lot of things from when I was 6 months old - being baptized, the taking of the group picture at the Miller Family Reunion in 1956. I remember being potty trained, watching the first-run televised original "Mickey Mouse Club" from my playpen (how in love I was with Cubby O'Brien), the day my dad tried to sneak it out of the house to throw it away (how I carried on!).
I remember events in my friends lives that they don't remember.
But don't come up to me on the street or at a class reunion and say, "Cindy, do you remember me?"
Just give me a few minutes (or twenty) until the electrical transmitters in my brain spark. The circuitry doesn't work too well - sometimes it shorts out.
Often, mentally focusing on any task is problematic whether it be housework, writing a check, talking on the telephone, reading, comprehending, concentrating. If the phone rings while I am cooking it disrupts my thinking.
Something shorts out in my frontal lobe. It's as if someone has a remote in hand, changing the channels but it's all going on in my brain; not the TV. And that humming noise is such a distraction.
Something strange was going on one night while at work in Michigan. A very simple task I had to do that's too technical to explain to anyone who doesn't know prepress. An apprentice could have done it without any problem; for me, a journeyman, it was cake. But let's say I made a major mistake while compositing two films into one film. I checked it, saw the mistake I made and tried to correct it. All I had to do is combine 16 films into 8 films. I wasted 16 pieces of film and 5 hours on what should have taken me two hours at the most. I saw the mistake, knew what I did wrong but my brain and actions were like a broken record; skipping, repeating.
Years later, I lost my ability to read, to distinguish color, became dyslexic, lost my hand-eye coordination - yadda, yadda, yadda.
Some days I can wake up and feel fully rested and capable of thinking. Some days I do nothing,; talk to no one other than Goldie or Gary.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndromes are what I have and both conditions have no clear test marker (just adnormalities) making both conditions difficult to diagnose or to even prove, especially when winning a claim for disability. I have seven abnormal sleep studies. In some, I never hit REM sleep; in others I was in REM stage for less than 15 seconds.
So keeping in mind that there is no cell (like cancer) or any other defined marker has caused me to wonder if possibly(?), sometime in the middle of the night, I am being visited by Greys, Nordics, Reptilians or any number of interplanetary beings. After all there are many well documented encounters-some sightings by law enforcement, some by airline pilots, some by astronauts.
I even saw a triangle in the sky hovering over a corn field near Columbiana, Ohio in 1978, back in the day when Ohio state Rt. 11 was a hot bed for UFO activity from Columbiana all the way to Astabula.
There was even a multiple witness sighting of a craft between my hometown of Toronto and Stratton in October of 2008! Could they possibly know I left Cuyahoga County? Are they looking for me?
The Vatican even believes in ET while many in the medical community dispute the existence of Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (because of the complexity of both conditions, they don't want to acknowledge what they don't know about both -a cop out).
I had an MRI at the Cleveland Clinic. The neurologist said there was something unusual on the MRI.
So, the next time you see me and I seem disoriented - in a fog - unable to concentrate, ask me if my ear hurts. I think that's where they insert the straw. Could that MRI possibly offer validation?

Top photo: HEY THERE! HI THERE! HO THERE!- It's Cubby O'Brien. WHY? Because I like him!
Second photo: IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER - Scene from Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".
Third photo: PROBED FOR TENDERNESS - Abductees Barney and Betty Hill
Sometimes ya just have to make light of your own situation!
My sleep has been totally screwed up my entire life. That's why I chose to work midnight shift - I had great difficulty functioning at a day job.
I struggled to sleep at night; fell asleep a lot in class in high school (although I was never caught). I can no longer enjoy going to a movie theater because I fall asleep, staying awake at meetings, lectures, etc. is virtually impossible. Baseball games? I'm walking around at the top of the innings; watching the game in my paid seating at the bottom of the inning when the Indians come to bat.
I fell asleep at work a lot at my last job; standing, while cutting film with X-acto knife or razor blade in hand. Happened after they had moved me to day shift. That's when the 'fit hit the shan'!
I suffer from short term memory loss. I remember a lot of things from when I was 6 months old - being baptized, the taking of the group picture at the Miller Family Reunion in 1956. I remember being potty trained, watching the first-run televised original "Mickey Mouse Club" from my playpen (how in love I was with Cubby O'Brien), the day my dad tried to sneak it out of the house to throw it away (how I carried on!).
I remember events in my friends lives that they don't remember.
But don't come up to me on the street or at a class reunion and say, "Cindy, do you remember me?"
Just give me a few minutes (or twenty) until the electrical transmitters in my brain spark. The circuitry doesn't work too well - sometimes it shorts out.
Often, mentally focusing on any task is problematic whether it be housework, writing a check, talking on the telephone, reading, comprehending, concentrating. If the phone rings while I am cooking it disrupts my thinking.
Something shorts out in my frontal lobe. It's as if someone has a remote in hand, changing the channels but it's all going on in my brain; not the TV. And that humming noise is such a distraction.
Something strange was going on one night while at work in Michigan. A very simple task I had to do that's too technical to explain to anyone who doesn't know prepress. An apprentice could have done it without any problem; for me, a journeyman, it was cake. But let's say I made a major mistake while compositing two films into one film. I checked it, saw the mistake I made and tried to correct it. All I had to do is combine 16 films into 8 films. I wasted 16 pieces of film and 5 hours on what should have taken me two hours at the most. I saw the mistake, knew what I did wrong but my brain and actions were like a broken record; skipping, repeating.
Years later, I lost my ability to read, to distinguish color, became dyslexic, lost my hand-eye coordination - yadda, yadda, yadda.
Some days I can wake up and feel fully rested and capable of thinking. Some days I do nothing,; talk to no one other than Goldie or Gary.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndromes are what I have and both conditions have no clear test marker (just adnormalities) making both conditions difficult to diagnose or to even prove, especially when winning a claim for disability. I have seven abnormal sleep studies. In some, I never hit REM sleep; in others I was in REM stage for less than 15 seconds.
So keeping in mind that there is no cell (like cancer) or any other defined marker has caused me to wonder if possibly(?), sometime in the middle of the night, I am being visited by Greys, Nordics, Reptilians or any number of interplanetary beings. After all there are many well documented encounters-some sightings by law enforcement, some by airline pilots, some by astronauts.
I even saw a triangle in the sky hovering over a corn field near Columbiana, Ohio in 1978, back in the day when Ohio state Rt. 11 was a hot bed for UFO activity from Columbiana all the way to Astabula.
There was even a multiple witness sighting of a craft between my hometown of Toronto and Stratton in October of 2008! Could they possibly know I left Cuyahoga County? Are they looking for me?
The Vatican even believes in ET while many in the medical community dispute the existence of Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (because of the complexity of both conditions, they don't want to acknowledge what they don't know about both -a cop out).
I had an MRI at the Cleveland Clinic. The neurologist said there was something unusual on the MRI.
So, the next time you see me and I seem disoriented - in a fog - unable to concentrate, ask me if my ear hurts. I think that's where they insert the straw. Could that MRI possibly offer validation?

Second photo: IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER - Scene from Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".
Third photo: PROBED FOR TENDERNESS - Abductees Barney and Betty Hill
Sometimes ya just have to make light of your own situation!
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